Meet CAROL™ Your Digital Career Coach

Who is CAROL™?

CAROL™ is our AI-Powered Online Career Coach who measures 13 career variables and generates deeply personalised recommendations based on your answers to her questions. 

Using complex algorithms and heuristics from 40+ years of human coaching experience, CAROL™ is the ultimate Digital Career Advisor designed just for you!

Carol Outputs consolidated

Some of the Custom Reports Carol™ will generate for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, CAROL™ is a digital AI-powered career coach we created to help you with your career. Developed over 4 years with complex heuristics from real Career Coaches, she can provide useful insights to your career within 40 questions. CAROL™ is an acronym for Career Agility & Resilience OnLine.

CAROL™was designed as a first-level career coach who is able to give you sound advice that is based on your inputs. We have imparted 40+ years of Coaching Heuristics into her to make her effective and relevant to you.

CAROL™ will measure your inputs and generate a customised report on your Career Strategy™, Career Agility™, Career Stage™, Crossover Quadrant™ , Readiness for Change, and another 12 career indicators. Specific remedial advice will also be given.

The Basic Report is free to view. It will give you sufficient information to decide whether you could benefit from the full CAROL™ report that has already been custom-generated for you. The Full Report will be US$49.90.

Indeed it is. Your details are used to generate the customised Career Report only and we will never share it with any third party. Ever. Here’s our Privacy Policy.

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