Singapore has the 2nd highest density of Industrial Robots – So How, Human?

According to a study done by the International Federation of Robotics:

“The average global robot density is about 69 industrial robots installed per 10,000 employees. The Republic of Korea has by far the highest robot density in the manufacturing industry of 531 industrial robots were in operation per 10,000 employees… It is followed by Singapore with a rate of 398 robots in 2016.”

This study only measures the Industrial Robots in Manufacturing (and I’m not talking about the Roomba vacuum cleaner you have at home!). Once you consider the other sectors in Retail, F&B and Hospitality, throw in the number of AI (Artificial Intelligence) bots that are automating the services sector, the number shoots up significantly.

Q: So what does this mean for us humans? Are we all going to be replaced by Robots or a software? 

A: That is what our predecessors in the 1900s thought when the steam engine and railroads which killed the ‘horse and buggy’ industry were invented. Jobs like, er… horse-caretaker (I suppose?) and um…wagon-wheel repairer (I guess?) disappeared…however, new jobs were created. Better roles like Railroad Engineers, Ticketing Officers and the like popped up. The truth is, we won’t be replaced by Robots or AI…but in time, our jobs (in its current form) or parts of it, probably will.

Q: What can we do about it?

A: Stay ahead of the curve. Figure out which parts of your job can (and will) be replaced by robots/AI, and which parts can’t. Focus on the parts that can’t. These are the parts that usually involve “People Management”, “Leadership”, “Complex thinking”, and “Specialised Skills”. Master these elements and keep monitoring the skills market for new demands and changes.

Q: Should I go into Robotics or AI programming then? 

A: Why not? If you have the interest or inclination, go ahead! There are Skillsfuture programs out there you can sign up for.

Q: So, you’re saying there’s nothing to fear about Robots?

A: Erm…to be honest, I’ve always had an irrational fear of Robots taking over the world since I saw the movie, “Terminator” as a kid, and every time I watch a “Boston Dynamics” video of their robots, I get even more worried about our future Robot Overlords. (Go ahead…click on the image below…I dare you!)

But there’s really no use worrying. The writing is on the wall – Robotics and AI are here to stay and all you can do is to adapt, improvise and overcome these changes heading our way.