Internal Promotions – Do they work?

 Internal Promotions - Do they work?

What makes your CEO and senior leaders stand out from the rest of the employees, and just how did they get there in the first place?

It’s because they are able to take a step back and see the big picture. In MBA school, they call this ‘seeing the geography at 35,000 feet. Don’t just get lost in the weeds – force yourself to see what is above you, below you and what lies on the horizon beyond.

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Often, we are so busy watching our little patch of business that we overlook the bigger picture. Do you know what is happening in the other divisions within your organization? What are the current issues being faced by other business units? What are your competitors doing? What are industry players saying?

You need to develop awareness of the marketplace as it is really important in figuring out how your industry is doing. Are there emerging technologies that may change the way work is done? Are there disruptions on the horizon? How about new opportunities you or your organization should leverage?

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Perhaps you have noticed an interesting trend and may want to nudge your organization in that direction. For instance, if you are in IT, is there a cheaper and more effective “Cloud” or “Robotic Process Automation” solution that could save your company millions of dollars? If so, get more research done and champion this blockbuster initiative.

You don’t have to quit. Look for Internal Opportunities.

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You should also scan for internal opportunities. Look inside your organisation and take a deep look at the talent situation there. Are there skill gaps in other divisions that you can fill? Is it possible for you to help another higher-profile team in some way? How can you get on their radar so they will would appreciate your inputs and insights.

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Another area to focus on are upcoming staff-movements in the next 6 to 12 months. Perhaps someone recently retired, got exited or promoted – could you possibly fill the gap? What exactly are they looking for in a replacement and how do you get on the radar of Hiring Managers?

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If your organization practices succession planning, are you in any talent pipeline? You have to figure out whom to speak with to indicate your interest and to convince that you have the skills, knowledge and experience to contribute.

Think out of the box! With your Career Strategy as your guide, you now can chart a path on a road that has more prospects for career growth and acceleration.