Three Simple Words To Becoming Resilient

Three Simple Words To Becoming Resilient

A friend in the US sent me this photo over the weekend.

She had just recovered from a major surgery that was life-threatening and for a moment, thought that her end was inevitable.

“I’ve always been a strong person, tough as nails. When my husband left me, I took care of the kids all by myself… but this event was more than I could take.”

I asked her how she coped and she shared with me – THREE WORDS.

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  1. #HOPE – Never lose hope. No matter how bad things are, it will get better. There will always be a better day laying in wait ahead of you if you hang around long enough.

Just one more day and the sun will rise again.

2. #JOY – Relish the small victories where you can. Being able to breathe a fresh breath of air, enjoying a simple meal with your family, and even walking on the beach barefoot…and feeling the warmth of the sand.

You don’t have to be Happy all the time. Enjoy the small pockets of joy.

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3. #PEACE– You must quieten the negative thoughts in your head that are constantly telling you that you can’t win. Replace them with a happy song or just tell it to shut up. It can be a constant battle, and oftentimes, it gets very exhausting just fighting that monster.

Think Positive. What you fill your head with, you will think about.

I’m just glad she’s on the mend… there’s a long journey ahead, but I’m sure she’ll make it.