Why Your Job Probably Won’t Last Forever

Why Your Job Probably Won't Last Forever

My father was an clerk in the Standard Chartered Bank for 35 years before he retired. It was his first and last job.

Today, your job will probably never last that long, like a balloon floating away in the sky.

And even if it did, you would probably get so bored that you’ll quit way before that!

The fact is, the job landscape has changed, and this happened within a 10-year period from 1997 – 2008.

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It started with the chain of crises that happened (Asian Financial Crisis of ’97, Dotcom crash of ’00, 9/11 attack in ’01, SARS in ’03, Great Financial Crisis of ’08).

This series of system shocks caused businesses to readjust quickly and downsize when needed – causing a lot of uncertainty to the employee market.

That’s why the term “#JobSecurity” is a big joke – a dream that companies dangle in front of gullible workers, luring them to work even harder.

What then can we do about this?

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By becoming “#CareerSecure” instead – being so confident in our own capabilities that we become ‘company-independent’ – that even if we got retrenched, we can always fly to another place and make an even bigger nest there.

I shared more information in my latest Commentary on #ChannelNewsAsia this week and you can read the article here and learn how to become more Career Agile:

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