The Biggest Career Myth Ever Sold

Fake or Fact?

We’ve all been taught wrong ‘facts’ as little kids that we believe were true, even till today.

Like “Never pick up a baby bird or the mother will reject it”, or “The human tongue has different zones for different tastes”, or even “we only use 10% of our brain”? (Disclaimer on the last one – there are some people we know who use far less, I’m sure! 😊)

However, we have been led by movies, books and even well-meaning advisors to believe one of the biggest Career Myths.

In fact, I wouldn’t even call it a “Myth”… I would deem it a “Deception” because it has led many with great careers to make unnecessary deviations in pursuit of this misconception.

And the myth is, “I must find Purpose/Passion in my Work.”

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And because of this belief, many have quit successful, well-paying jobs in search of their ‘Passion’.

They start businesses that are unsustainable, join companies with dreamy-eyed CEOs, or even get so disillusioned with their ‘purposeless’ jobs that they begin to perform badly out of frustration whilst fantasising about their ‘dream job’.

The truth is, if you have found passion and purpose in your current job, then congratulations, you’re very blessed and lucky!

But your job is only a small part of YOU, and only serves to earn you the money for you to pursue your Passion/Purpose OUTSIDE of your work.

Go find a charity to donate your time to, start exploring a hobby that you can feel passionate about, or fulfil something on your bucket list!

You don’t have to find PURPOSE in your WORK… there’s loads of it elsewhere you can channel your energy to!

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I know a ‘bored-out-of-her-wits’ Auditor who nearly quit her job as she found little meaning to life. She then discovered her undiscovered passion for painting and started painting landscapes on weekends. “I realised that there is life outside the office and found it in my art. My Passion for painting doesn’t pay the bills, so finding a job based on my passion will probably lead me to starvation. I’m glad I’m able to feel fulfilled in my life now!”

So, if you’re feeling frustrated because you aren’t in a job you feel passionate about, don’t fret. Seek Fulfilment elsewhere!