September 2024

Excuse Me, Are You Browning Out? (or are you toasted already?)

“I’m actually burning out but I’m just too embarassed to tell my bosses.” That’s what a Senior Manager shared with me during one of his Career Coaching Sessions. You see, his company, a US Tech Giant, had just released several key products across 5 markets and he was instrumental in those successful launches. And even […]

Excuse Me, Are You Browning Out? (or are you toasted already?) Read More »

Do You Believe In Second Chances (or is your Career at an Endgame)?

I spoke to an Executive Director last week. She was feeling depressed because she had lost her company’s major account. Her client had accounted for 38% of her company’s revenues and had been with them for the past 14 years, but due to some mis-steps her team made, the client went to a competitor. “The

Do You Believe In Second Chances (or is your Career at an Endgame)? Read More »

Don’t Die For Your Company (Trust me, it ain’t worth it)

This week, I’d like to share with you, 3 #TrueStories of people I’ve personally met over the years. Story 1: The Office Martyr This happened two years ago. A harried-looking CFO came out to greet me wearing wrist-braces, the kind someone who had taken a tumble down the stairs might use. “I’m sorry, I can’t shake your

Don’t Die For Your Company (Trust me, it ain’t worth it) Read More »

Singapore has the 2nd highest density of Industrial Robots – So How, Human?

According to a study done by the International Federation of Robotics: “The average global robot density is about 69 industrial robots installed per 10,000 employees. The Republic of Korea has by far the highest robot density in the manufacturing industry of 531 industrial robots were in operation per 10,000 employees… It is followed by Singapore with a rate of 398 robots

Singapore has the 2nd highest density of Industrial Robots – So How, Human? Read More »

6 Excuses Why You’re Still Stuck in The Job You Hate

There’s a phenomenon called “Career Complacency”. In my 12 years as a C-Suite Headhunter, I used to speak with many prospective candidates on a daily basis. Most were willing to listen to the career opportunity that I was sharing, but there is always a startling group of individuals who are simply closed-minded about it. They

6 Excuses Why You’re Still Stuck in The Job You Hate Read More »

Blunder – Why Smart People Make Bad Decisions (Zachary Shore) – a book review just for you

Have you ever wondered why a roomful of the smartest folks could make the stupidest mistakes? The Bay of Pigs invasion, the Exxon Valdez, and of course… Cherry Coke? I read this interesting book over the weekend and thought to share some salient points with you…so what are the reasons why dumb mistakes happen? Here are

Blunder – Why Smart People Make Bad Decisions (Zachary Shore) – a book review just for you Read More »