Career Crossroad

How I Found My Calling – and How you can too!

Since I was a kid, I’ve always wanted to be a teacher. I found it so fascinating to share knowledge, open minds and change lives (#cringeygoals). However, my life was forever changed when I watched Wall Street (1987) where Michael Douglas’ character, Gordon Gekko introduced me to the world of High Finance and Business and I just

How I Found My Calling – and How you can too! Read More »

Help, My Boss Is A WhatsApp Maniac! (and what you can do about it)

Thanks to technology, society has progressed to a stage where a time-traveller from the 1980s would hardly recognize the world today. If you had told me back in 1988 that someday, we would sport handheld devices that could tell you where you were in the world, provide you access to every piece of information known to man,

Help, My Boss Is A WhatsApp Maniac! (and what you can do about it) Read More »

Forget Work/Life-Balance, How About Balancing Life/Work-Pressure?

I Think Work/Life-Balance is Overrated. “Don’t overwork yourself!” “Don’t forget to spend time with your family!” “Don’t sacrifice your health over your work!” We all know that achieving Work-Life Balance is tough. But there is an even more difficult juggling act that affects both our mental and emotional health at the workplace and at home

Forget Work/Life-Balance, How About Balancing Life/Work-Pressure? Read More »

‘Follow Your Passion’ – A Detrimental Career Concept

Snake Oil – Plain and Simple. I am most annoyed by Gurus, Coaches, and so-called Career Experts who dish out this piece of advice willy-nilly. Not because they’re often saying this from a place of privilege (they’ve already made their money or have daddy’s credit cards to blow), but because they promulgate a false belief

‘Follow Your Passion’ – A Detrimental Career Concept Read More »

Excuse Me, Are You Browning Out? (or are you toasted already?)

“I’m actually burning out but I’m just too embarassed to tell my bosses.” That’s what a Senior Manager shared with me during one of his Career Coaching Sessions. You see, his company, a US Tech Giant, had just released several key products across 5 markets and he was instrumental in those successful launches. And even

Excuse Me, Are You Browning Out? (or are you toasted already?) Read More »

Do You Believe In Second Chances (or is your Career at an Endgame)?

I spoke to an Executive Director last week. She was feeling depressed because she had lost her company’s major account. Her client had accounted for 38% of her company’s revenues and had been with them for the past 14 years, but due to some mis-steps her team made, the client went to a competitor. “The

Do You Believe In Second Chances (or is your Career at an Endgame)? Read More »

Don’t Die For Your Company (Trust me, it ain’t worth it)

This week, I’d like to share with you, 3 #TrueStories of people I’ve personally met over the years. Story 1: The Office Martyr This happened two years ago. A harried-looking CFO came out to greet me wearing wrist-braces, the kind someone who had taken a tumble down the stairs might use. “I’m sorry, I can’t shake your

Don’t Die For Your Company (Trust me, it ain’t worth it) Read More »